Project for Hospitals & Childhood – Pinocchio Project
7 February 2023
The extraordinary Project for Hospitals & Childhood, known as the “Pinocchio Project” since 2014, aims to improve the quality of life in hospitals for young patients; now they have realised a magnificent installation at the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin.
Khymeia is proud to have contributed together with the donation of DiaSorin and of Progetto per gli Ospedali & l’infanzia – Progetto Pinocchio, to make possible the technological implementation in favor of the little ones.
A heartfelt thanks to the essential and incessant activity of Dr. Andrea Jacopo Fava, President of the Pinocchio Project, to Prof. Giuseppe Massazza, Responsible of Traumatology and Rehabilitation department, to Dr. Giovanni La Valle, General Director of AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, to Dr. Franca Fagioli, Director of Pathology and Child cure department, and to Dr. Paola Imazio, Responsible of rehabilitation department for littel ones.
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