Retraining movement in patients with acquired brain injury using a virtual environment
1 Gennaio 2001
We report preliminary results of an ongoing study … Retraining movement in patients with acquired brain injury using a virtual environment
We report preliminary results of an ongoing study in which a virtual environment (VE) system is used to facilitate motor relearning of a pouring task in patients with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). Four subjects were evaluated pre- and post-VE training using virtual-world and real-world tests in which subjects performed a pouring motion while holding a cup. Standard clinical tests of motor and functional ability were also used. Three of four subjects demonstrated improvement in end-point trajectories (cup path) performed during the virtual and real world tests. Clinical test scores also improved. Results indicate that subjects with ABI were able to learn a movement in VE, and generalize this ability to real-world performance of similar and unrelated tasks. VE training appears to be a feasible and promising approach to the rehabilitation of subjects with ABI.